Dota 1 Vs 1 Replay
Latest Dota Replays News and Updates. Replays of ASUS Spring 2010 can be found in the replay section. (Asia Elite DotA Legue) (1) DTS (1) ESWC France (1.
I think this functionality is often sought by a small minority, and I was thinking if I could help. Background Info: DotA 2 Source 1 main files were spread in 3 steam depots (571, 573, 575). I used to frequently create backups of the game to give it to my friends using physcial media, which had encrypted files of the above depots. I recently found out that I still have those backups, and extracted them using an external tool (sisInstall), which requires a '.depotkey' & '.manifest' for each of the depots (which cannot be acquired now as our permissions from the above depots have been snatched). I have 3 versions of the game: 1) Client 1504 2015-09-02 (last public source 1 version) 2) Client 1484 2015-08-02 3) Client 1413 2015-06-25 I have tested a few replays in it, and it works fine.
If there is a need for the extracted or packed (.csd,.csm) files, I can upload them after a month (as the place I am currently, the internet speed is obnoxiously low, and prices, very high) tl;dr I have fully untouched files of Source 1 including the final public version which can run Source 1 replays. If there is a need, I can help people extract a backup (.manifest will be required) or try uploading the extracted files. Paging a few people who have shown their interest in the past EDIT 1: The response looks quite positive. Looking forward to the opportunity to upload the unmodified files next month.
I would compress it and upload it on a private space, and then with the help of, make it a common permanent access with his public space and other mirrors like, torrents. EDIT 2: I have uploaded it. Check.
I keep feeling as though Dota 2 Shadow Fiend is less powered than the Dota 1 SF, depsite his ulti now having that extra damage when he dies. Razes for me seem to be less effective by doing less damage and having less radius. Seriously search up pro dota 1 shadow fiend and you see the razes barely being close to an enemy and it still kills them. I think in dota 1 if you stood in the very middle of the middle range raze, your first and last razes would also be able to hit, whereas in dota 2 this doesnt seem to happen. Sf in general seems to be heaps less tanky and his initial damage is as low as ever.
Blink SF seems to also be much less powerful than before. I don't think you can dodge vengeful spirits stun anymore like you could in dota 1. What do you guys think. I played heaps of SF in dota 1 and SF is my 2nd most played hero in dota 2. I still manage to get about 66% win rate with him though.
1 Vs 100
Maybe its just people pick SF counters like pudge/invis heroes quite often now compared to before. TBH though i beat almost all pudges with SF. I just never see him getting many ultra kills or rampages any more and none of the top dota 2 plays show him getting ultra/rampage any more. I see people put up SF videos that they call 'pro' and they aren't near as high skill level as in dota 1. Also there has been a significant decrease in SF players getting blink compared to before and i think its because they are so much more easily ganked now.
Like seriously a support lion can just kill sf solo unless hes got treads on str and a drums or a tanky item.