Html Video Tutorial For Beginners Exe

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How to make a website: HTML Tutorial - Basics. Start off with a solid foundation by learning some of the basics of HTML - XHTML. In this HTML tutorial you will learn how to make a simple webpage. The tutorial starts off with definitions for both HTML and XHTML.

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It then goes on to demonstrate how you can use Microsoft Notepad to create your HTML file. It explains what HTML tags are and how to use some of the basic ones. This tutorial also shows how to display the HTML file in a web browser. This tutorial is based on XHTML version 1.0. Link to newer HTML5 tutorial.

Tutorials PTE Tutorials I've decided to create a series of AVI tutorials which I call 'PTE for Smarties'. A very popular series of books for computer users called variously 'Windows for Dummies', etc.

Were written to help beginners learn to use Windows and other software. Well, I don't think there are any 'dummies' using PTE. The fact that you have chosen PTE already demonstrates your intelligence so I elected to call this series of beginning and intermediate tutorials 'PTE for Smarties'!! I've created the first few of a continuing series on the elements of Pan, Zoom and Rotate. After all, the primary reason users want to use version 5 of PTE is for the Ken Burns effects of pan, zoom and rotate and this first AVI will jump-start your understanding. It's not intended to be a thorough and complete guide to PZR because later installments will get into esoteric uses of these functions, but this will get the beginner started and the continuing series will eventually make a PTE 'expert' out of the beginner.

I chose the AVI format rather than Flash or more compressed modes because it's compatible with nearly every PC without the need to load additional software or drivers. I will continue to add links to this post as time goes on. Necessarily AVI files are larger but hopefully will be worth your time.

Make you own website - Beginner video tutorials in HTML,PHP,CSS,JS,MySQL and Wordpress. HTML Tutorial (for Beginners) Learn HTML, step-by-step. Etc and for the audio/video codecs are intended to be placed on the Signup and Media.html pages That.

A note of caution for all who create PNG objects and expect their slideshows to be shown on computers which 'MAY' have different resolution from the one you created the slideshow on. NEVER use 'original size' for your objects unless your entire slideshow uses 'original' size. In other words 'DO NOT MIX' original and fit to slide objects in the same slideshow. Yes, it's 'much' easier to properly position your png overlays when you are creating your slideshow and use the 'original size' for your objects, BUT when the slideshow is played on computers with different screen resolutions these objects will 'not' fit properly and not properly overlay the original portion of the screen which it is designed to mask. So, remember to never mix 'original' and 'fit to slide' or 'cover slide' in your objects.

Keep them consistent. Note: if for any reason you can't see the video it could be that your system doesn't have the necessary video codec.

I used Microsoft MPEG-4 Video Codec V2. If you don't have this one you can download it from here thanks to Ken Cox If this doesn't work for you I suggest using the Freeware VLC Media Player which should solve any problems. Here's the link for it: Index to Tutorials 1. PZR for Smarties: 2. Intermediate Rotate: 3. Esoteric (advanced) Rotate: 4. Uber Rotation Possibilities: 5.

Basics of Non-Linear Motion. Basics of Superzoom 7.

Basics of Hyperlink 8. Basic Map Route Creation 9. Button Normal, Hover, Pressed 10. Xara Xtreme 4 Photo Frame Extrusion and Reflection 11. Sound and PTE (2 AVI Tutorials) 12. Waterfall Simulation Tutorial with PNG file to simulate falling water 13.

PDF Masking Tutorial 14. Printkey 2000 windows 7 free. Creating the Panos Watch with PTE Animation 15. Basic Text Tutorial 16.

3D Transform Demo and Tutorial 17. 3D 'Z' Position Demo and Tutorial 18.

3D Cube Creation and Rotation 19. Christmas Snow Cube Tutorial with Template 20. PhotoScape Crop Tool Tutorial 21. Photoscape Splitter and Combine Tool Tutorial 22. Animate any image with snow in under 60 seconds!

22 (a) Snow template 23. Snow Build Up Over Time Tutorials and Components 24. New Animation Feature in 6.5 25. Audio Envelope 26.

Free html video tutorial for beginners

A Complete Set of PTE Tutorials in Microsoft MSI format 27. How to Fade and Resume Slideshow Sound with Video Clip Inserted in Middle of Show 28. How to Use Text As A Mask - See Video Or Still Images Within Text 29. How to use a Mask to place text on a background rectangle for easier viewing in some circumstances 30.

How to Popup Text when clicking an Object or Area in PicturesToExe 31. How to Popup a Slide when clicking a Slide or Area on A Slide Then Return to Original Image by Pressing ESC 32, Creating and Framing the Transparent Cube - With Cube Template and Transparent Sides 33. How to Move an Object in an Elliptical Orbit and Cause The Object To Pass In Front and Behind Another Object 34. Cube Template and tutorials.

How to use your cube sides with template - how to control motion of cube 35. Building a House With PicuresToExe - Improving your Carpentry Skills 36. Marcel's Spiral Zoom Effect Tutorial 37. Wire Frame Object Creation Tutorial 38. Building The Video Wall in PTE 39.

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Using and Modifying The 8x6 Video Wall Grid 40. Building The Video Room From Your Video Wall 41. Download Gridwork Components To Go With Above Tutorials 42. Using SqirlzReflect With Photoshop and PTE to Create Water Effects 43. Using Masking to Attenuate and Control Water Effects With PTE 44. Controlling Animated Gif Effects With PTE 45. Download Link for SqirlzWaterReflection Freeware 46.

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Expanding Audio Waveform and Audio Timeline Tutorial 47. Procedure To Create Rippling Water in Complex Image This index will be continually updated as new AVI tutorials are added. Most tutorials are followed with downloadable examples. PZR for Smarties: (about 64 meg) 2. Intermediate Rotate: (about 38 meg) 3. Esoteric (advanced) Rotate: (about 37 meg) Demo of esoteric rotation: (about 8 meg) 4.

Uber Rotation Possibilities: (about 38 meg) Demo of Uber Rotate with Helicopter (about 8 meg) Note: the above is an older AVI I made in response to Jean Pierre's (JPD) suggestion on how to rotate a helicopter rotor blade horizontally for a simulation which one of our forum members was creating. JPD explained it but being a French native speaker some were not completely clear so I created a brief tutorial to show his method which works very well. When you see the AVI remember that the rectangles will be made invisible via the 100% control of opacity. In the demo animation I created you can see how this works in practice. Basics of Non-Linear Motion (how to set non-linear motion - about 44 meg) Demo of Non-Linear Motion (less than 1 meg zipped executable) Note: press ESC to end show.

Basics of Superzoom (how to effect smooth continuing zoom between images - about 60 meg) Demo of Superzoom technique (about 37 meg zipped executable) This demo shows a zoom from about 28mm to 2000mm focal length using multiple frames with multiple lenses. Notice the original 'prowler' size image inserted inside the 'O' of the word Prowler at the end. Basics of Hyperlink (about 74 meg) This tutorial shows you how to first create and save a small PNG file consisting of a red rectangle with a transparent center using PixBuilder or Photoshop, etc., then how to use it in a PTE show to hyperlink to different detail images from eacMy linkh place the rectangle is placed, The demo zipped executable following shows the completed PTE file. Demo of Hyperlink: (about 6 meg) 8. Basic Map Route Creation (about 69 meg) Example file: (about 8 meg) 9.

Link Below to Buttons Tutorial Link Below to Zipped AVI for download: (about 10 meg) 10. Link Below to Xara Xtreme 4 3D Frame Template and AVI Tutorial 11.

Links Below to Sound Tutorials (about 45 Download Each) 12. Link Below to Waterfall Animation Tutorial (about 69 meg) Also contains PNG file you can use to simulate falling water. Link to Mask Tutorial PDF (this will be updated when I better understand all areas of masking) 14. Links to Watch Tutorials and Files which will allow the PTE user to Animate the Panos Photoshop Watch (AVI Tutorial) (PTE Template) (PDF Tutorial) (example of different watch faces and ways to use in PTE) 15. Basic Text Tutorial: 16.

3D Transform Demo and Tutorial: 17. 3D 'Z' Position Demo and Tutorial 18.

3D Cube Creation and Rotation 3D Tutorial PTE File 19. 3D Christmas Snow Cube AVI Tutorial and Template 20. Photoscape Crop Tool Tutorial 21. Photoscape Splitter and Combine Tool Tutorial 22. Animate Any Image With Snow In 60 Seconds or Less Tutorial: 22. (a) Snow Template 23.

Snow Buildup Over Time Tutorials - Suggested for Intermediate/Advanced Users of Photoshop: 24. New Animation Feature In 6.5 (about 17 meg) 25. Audio Envelope in PTE 6.5 Beta 10 Note - At beginning I discuss 3 seconds when I'm actually talking about 30 seconds. Age related - LOL 26. Formerly for sale - now free - Complete set of PTE tutorials in one Microsoft.msi format (about 360 meg download) 27. How to Fade and Resume Slideshow Sound with Video Clip Inserted in Middle of Show 28.

How to Use Text As A Mask - Display Still Image Or Video Within Text 29. How to use a Mask to place text on a rectangular background for easy viewing or simultaneous fade (70 meg Zipped AVI) (alternative is to just use the 'button feature - works perfectly). How to Popup text when clicking on an area or object in PicturesToExe (30 meg Zipped AVI) 31. How to Use the Window Feature To Popup a Slide then Return to Original Slide by Pressing ESC 32. How to Create and Frame the Transparent Cube 33. How To Move an Object in an Elliptical Orbit and Make the Object Pass both In Front of and Behind Another Object (very small - about half meg visual explanation) 34.

Cube Template: Tutorial 1 - How to Change sides to your own images (jpg, bmp, png, animated gif or video) Tutorial 2 - How to control the rotation and size of your animated cube 35. Building a House With PTE - Component Construction 36. Marcel's Spiral/Zoom Effect (really neat effect) 37. Wire Frame Object Creation Tutorial (about 70 meg download zipped AVI) 38.

Building The Video Wall With PicturesToExe 39. Using and Modifying The 8x6 Video Wall Grid 40. Building The Video Room From Your Video Wall 41.


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Gridwork Components To Build Video Wall - Zipped File 42. Using SqirlzReflect With Photoshop and PTE to Create Water Effects 43. Using Masking to Attenuate and Control Water Effects With PTE 44. Controlling Animated Gif Effects With PTE 45.

Download Link For Freeware SqirlzWaterReflection Software 46. Download Link For Expanding Audio Waveform and Audio Timeline Tutorial 47.

Download Link For Tutorial on Creating Rippling Water in Complex Image Using Photoshop, SqirlzReflect and PicturesToExe (about 111 megabyte download) This Web Page Created with PageBreeze.