Fundamentos Termodinamica Van Wylen

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Some Introductory Comments. Some Concepts and Definitions. Properties of a Pure Substance. Work and Heat. The First Law of Thermodynamics. First Law Analysis for a Control Volume.

The Second Law of Thermodynamics. Second Law Analysis for a Control Volume. Irreversibility and Availability. Power and Refrigeration Systems.

Van wylen

Gas Mixtures. Thermodynamic Relations. Chemical Reactions. Introduction to Phase and Chemical Equilibrium. Compressible Flow. Contents of Appendix.

Appendix A: SI Units: Single State Properties. Appendix B: SI Units: Thermodynamic Tables. Appendix C: Ideal-Gas Specific Heat. Appendix D: Equations of State. Appendix E: Figures. Appendix F: English Unit Tables.

FUNDAMENTOS DE TERMODINAMICA (2ª ED) del autor GORDON JOHN VAN WYLEN (ISBN 460). Comprar libro completo al MEJOR PRECIO nuevo o segunda mano, leer online. Hola, alguien que me pueda hacer favor de pasarme el libro y solucionario de fundamentos de termodinamica van wylen, este es mi correo

Some Introductory Comments. Some Concepts and Definitions.

Van Wylen Thermodynamics

Properties of a Pure Substance. Work and Heat. The First Law of Thermodynamics. First Law Analysis for a Control Volume. The Second Law of Thermodynamics.

Termodinamica Van Wylen

Second Law Analysis for a Control Volume. Irreversibility and Availability. Power and Refrigeration Systems. Gas Mixtures. Thermodynamic Relations.

Chemical Reactions. Introduction to Phase and Chemical Equilibrium. Compressible Flow. Contents of Appendix. Appendix A: SI Units: Single State Properties. Appendix B: SI Units: Thermodynamic Tables. Appendix C: Ideal-Gas Specific Heat.

Appendix D: Equations of State. Appendix E: Figures. Appendix F: English Unit Tables.